Monday, January 26, 2009

What A Week.

Well I started writing a blog last night, but then decided that I didnt really know what to write so I stopped. But I know what I want to write now! THANK YOU ALL!! This past week has shown me just how wonderful a group of people I am surrounded with!! Some of you know me well and then some of you hardly know me, but I have been amazed at all of the prayers and thoughts and phone calls and letters and just the general concern for my family and I! It has been great and very encouraging to me!! So i just want to tell you all thank you from the bottom of my heart and let you know that through you all the Lord is blessing my family and i!!


Monday, January 5, 2009

Drive Back To Artesia

Well, as some of you know I occasionally enjoy taking pictures while I am driving. Well this past sunday I was driving back from Pagosa Springs, CO to Artesia and decided to snap a few pics while driving. Yeah i know, its pretty stupid cause there was snow on the ground and all that jazz, but hey it made for some pretty sweet pictures! These are just a few of the over 100 pics I took while driving in the snow! Hope ya enjoy. These are all just with my Samsung point and shoot.

Snow Covered Bushes
not sure what you would call this one?

yeah you could see maybe a quarter mile in front of you at most!

this was crazy pretty!
Hope you enjoy, and as you often here them say on TV please do not attempt to take any pictures while driving a vehicle especially when you are driving on snow and ice, it isnt the safest thing in the world!
