Every year at this time I am sure we all get the same question about a million times! “So, what is your New Year’s Resolution?” Why do we feel the need to make New Year’s Resolution? What drives us to try and make a change for our lives for the better at the start of each year? Maybe because each of us when we look at our lives we can look and see a thing or two that could definitely use improvement or maybe there are certain areas that we aren’t confident in and if we made a few changes we would have more confidence? I have never really gotten into the whole New Years resolution thing and I’m not really sure why. It definitely isn’t because I have it all together or feel that nothing in my life could use improvement, I just have never really gotten into them. I have nothing against them at all and think they are a good way to make short term improvements in the way we live our lives. My question to us all, is what good is change if it is only intended to be for a short time? If I plan to resolve to work out more for the next year, what happens next year or next month when that resolve goes away? If I plan to eat healthier or avoid certain foods, what happens when I start back eating unhealthy foods and start indulging in those foods I was avoiding? What happens when I resolve to set time aside for God in my daily life, but then after a while I slowly move away from God and stop giving of my time to him? In any of these situations when I choose to change something for a short time I am left again needing to change that very same thing again in a short time. So how about this idea? (and I am sure I am not breaking any new ground) Why don’t we change our New Years resolutions into New Life resolutions? Isn’t that what Christ is calling us to when He calls us to follow Him? When Christ called His disciples He didn’t say come follow me and if you want to you can continue living the way you live. Is Christ not calling us to set aside the things and ways we used to live for a new life?? In the book of 2 Corinthians chapter 5 the apostle Paul says it like this in verse 17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”. Or as in one of my new favorite songs by Shane & Shane called Everything Is Different the last line of the chorus goes like this “This revelation makes me wanna shout, that Jesus has been sent, and everything is different!”. The old has gone and the new has come! Jesus has been sent and EVERYTHING is different! These are absolute statements!! So I challenge us all to resolve to make New Life resolutions. Because a Savior came and died for us. He took away our old sinful selves and has made us a new creation in Him! He has been sent and because of that everything in our lives should be different!!
desiring for things to be different