Friday, January 22, 2010

Some Pictures from Ignite

Here are some pictures from Ignite Student Conference 2010 in Lubbock, Texas.  The pictures are of The Afters and The Justin Coefield Band. (Thanks Penny for letting me borrow a couple of your lenses for this pictures!)

Lead singer of the afters.

 I just happened to be at the right place at the right time, probably one of my most favorite pics i have taken! Complete accident!

 love the spotlight coming across the picture!

 A pretty cool moment!!

I haven't posted pictures in a while.. Part of it is because the last few months have been crazy busy so my picture editing came to a stand still.  The sudden urge to edit some came from shooting the pictures last weekend and then also getting the Beta version of Adobe Lightroom, which I am learning and enjoying!! 


Emileigh Latham said...

Awesome pics! Your talent is really expanding.

pal bleeper said...

great pictures of the concert.
