Monday, July 26, 2010

dia numera tres

Well this is about day three but we are going to rewind for a lil bit and talk about last night after my blog.  So last night on the way up to my room for bed there were a few boys hanging outside of the main meeting room and Katelyn was sitting with them and playing some guitar.  As I walked by I sat down to join them and just listen.  Soon after sitting down Katelyn handed me the guitar and we started singing some songs and a few we sang they knew in Spanish and so they were teaching us how to sing them and we even sang 2 different songs together with the boys that they knew in English! It was such an amazing time of fellowship! It was a time that I felt that we were really able to connect with the boys and bridge a gap! Something I didn't feel that we were able to do last year. so that was super exciting for us all!! Now to today! It is Monday and well it has rained off and on all day long! (It is raining as I type this in front of a screen window listening to the rain!! Ahh, I love it!! Its fantastic!!)We were able to do some cleaning and scraping on the boys dorm we are painting! We did have to take a few breaks a few times as it was raining but we feel that we were able to get a good amount of work accomplished! Tonight after supper they shared with us about the sponsorship program and they had 2 of the boys here share their stories with us.  It was a very moving time and both of their stories touched my heart very deeply! It is sad to see the pain and suffering that many of these boys have been through, but at the same time it is so amazing to see the hope that is in their smiles and on their faces!! They truly know that the Lord is in control and that He is directing their paths! (Something that I often struggle with).  So their stories and their hope inspires me and encourages me! So going into day 4 I am tired but am hoping for a great night of rest but I am inspired to run even harder after my Lord and Savior!! 
running hard after my Lord!

ps.. if you are interested in learning more about El Sembrador or the sponsorship program here at the school please visit the link below!!
El Sembrador

1 comment:

Paul D said...

Hey, it is great reading your report and getting some news from the mission field. It is raining here too (in Las Cruces), AND in west texas (where I went last week end), and back in Artesia. May it rain God's Spirit on you and your team as you seek His face and serve His people.
