Thursday, October 8, 2009

WOW! What A Day!!

I cant begin to explain how good today was! I heard so many good messages and the Word of God preached!! I would write a more detailed description of everything but I am kinda tired tonight but I will give a short over view of some things that really stuck out to me. Andy Stanley talked about not being a leader in authority but being a leader under authority and also about allowing God to properly position your life in order that He may make His mark on the world using you. Malcom Gladwell said that incompetence can irritate you, but that over-confidence is a scary thing. Shane Hipps' message challenged me! He talked on how the ever changing Gospel never changes. (that just by itself doesnt full capture the fullness of the message delivered, it was good though!) Rob Bell encouraged us that no matter how large or small you may view your ministry that it is significant! Also said there is a big difference between walking a hard road and carrying a heavy burden. (The road we walk may be hard, but there is no use in carrying a un-needed heavy burden!) Tony Dungy encouraged us saying that we as pastors are needed! Reggie Joiner reminded us of what was at stake in our lives, and what we are fighting for! Matt Chandler talked to us about God beckoning us to obedience and when we have catches to that beckon we have to recognize it as sin and repent so that we may grow stronger and deeper in our faith! Then Francis Chan topped the day off by reminding us of our salvation through the reading of the scripture and then probably close to 12,000 people taking communion together! A pretty amazing experience!! I cant fully explain or process all I heard today but am praying that God continues to work in my life, growing me in my faith, and rooting me in my trust of Him! Thats all for tonight, be blessed!

resting in my Salvation,

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