Sunday, October 26, 2008

What a Weekend!

Wow! This was one crazy and busy weekend! Drove up and back from Albuquerque on Friday, watched the Tech game then worked up at the church for about 4 hours Saturday, then had church and all the fixings plus did our annual Jack O Lantern Jamboree tonight! I am quite drained! It is in times like these that I am beginning to truly see God at work!  Truly see just how faithful and loving God is!  It is in times like these that I look forward to!  Times when I know I have given my all and have nothing left to give!  It is times like these when God draws near and says let me be your supply! Let me be your rest! Let me be your refuge! Let me be all that you need!! This is what I hear my Savior saying!! It is times like these where in the past I would retreat to what was comfortable for me I would try and say oh you need to take a few days off Scott and recoup, but oh how beautiful it is to hear my Savior say that it is in Him that I find my rest that it is in Him that I find my hope, it is in Him that I find my strength to carry on!  So here is my prayer for this week!  

"God I know that my body is tired and I'm a tad bit drained.  But God may You be who I find my rest in! May You be who I find my strength in!  May You be all that I run after this week!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My weekly Wednesday!

Im kinda bored today so thought I would write about my weekly wednesday.  I mean, it never fails that every week, Wednesday comes around.  I get to Tuesday and think well, here comes Wednesday and get to Thursday and wonder where Wednesday went.  Not that Wednesday is bad or anything or that it is better than other days of the week, but I think its cool how Wednesday is always here.  This morning in staff meeting it was my turn to bring the devotional and God laid on my heart Deuteronomy 8.  It talks about God's provision for the Israelites for the 40 years in the wilderness and how God provided the mana for them and that their clothes never wore out.  My pastor pointed out how easily it would be for the Israelites to take the constant provision of God and forget that it was God providing (if that makes any sense).  Kinda like I forget that God gives me a Wednesday every week, and for that every day of the week.  In the midst of my week I often forget that it is God who is providing and allowing me to have each new day!!  I take it as something that just happens instead of being thankful for the opportunity that I have on Wednesdays to spend time with the Lord as well as spend time with kids and people alike who bless me so much.  So my thought for this my weekly Wednesday, is to make it more than just my weekly Wednesday but that this day might be a day that I truly thank God for being so gracious and awesome to provide me with another day here on this earth.  And in my weekly Wednesday I pray that I see the provision of the LORD, and not just go through expecting that I will be provided for. So that is my prayer for all of you as well, that you would begin to see the provision of the LORD in your own life! Blessings!! 

Monday, October 6, 2008

T O a changed man.

If any of you saw Terrel Owens' press conference after the Cowboys game yesterday it was quite a unique press conference. He didn't rant or rave about not getting the ball, or bad mouth the play calling, or do anything negative! He stood there and said, and this isn't verbatim, that God has given him the talent to be on that football field.  That his life was more than just his number 81 more than the Big Stars on his helmet more than just playing football, but that his life was to give glory to God.  I don't know about you all, but I was very encouraged by this.  Not too often do you get a major sports figure giving God the glory, maybe after they have won an award or have been recognized but never just coming out and saying "I give God the glory for giving me the talent and the opportunity to play".   Now the media would just absolutely love it if he would throw some raging fit, but when he doesn't they act as if they are concerned with his well being.  That act as if something is wrong.  Last week after their loss to the Redskins he did go on a small tirade saying that they should get the ball to him more, which the media just blew up and ran with about the turmoil in Dallas!  They loved it cause it gave them something to report on gave them something to talk about and something to speculate about.  But this week there was nothing and so the only way that they can make news is to try and depict him as insincere and try to say that his change in character is just simply a tactic or publicity.  Well, I believe that yesterday he was trying to shy away from the cameras trying to make sure that the spotlight was on his whole team not just him, and I actually do take him at his word and trust that he is genuine.  And even though T O will probably never read this blog, I applaud you for the changes you have made in your life.  Living a life in full view of the public cannot be an easy place to be, but I think you have matured over the last few years tremendously and do see a change in your personality and the way you carry yourself.  So keep on giving the media what they don't want, and exactly what God has called all of us to, give them the message of Christ and be who HE (GOD) has created us to be not who the mainstream desires us to be!! But that goes for all of you out there, Christ has called us to be his image bearers.  To be reflectors of His glory and majesty.  And thats all I have to say about that!
